Discover the Eazy Way!

Automate document review

An average lawyer spends most of their day reading documents.

→ EazyDraft reduces this time by up to 90% leaving more time for client engagement and legal analysis.

→ Just upload your legal document and get your legal report in no time.

→ From contacts due diligence to litigation bundle, EazyDraft can handle all kinds of documents whether scanned or multi-lingual.

Automate document drafting

Lawyers spend a inordinate time simply drafting documents.

→ EazyDraft reduces this time and effort massively. Generate your document using text input or a different document.

→ Just type your facts or upload a document containing the facts, and get your legal document in no time.

Automate translation

Local translators take about a week to get back with translations and that too poor quality and expensive translation.

→ EazyDraft uses its proprietary technology to translate all kinds of documents which is affordable, fast and accurate. Linguistic experts at EazyDraft also review these translations for you.

→ Just write to us at, and our team will come back to you in no time.


See what our satisfied customers have to say about the EazyDraft way.

Eazydraft has streamlined my workflow and saved me countless hours of tedious legal work. Highly recommend it!

Abhishek Kumar

Advocate, Bangalore

As a solo practitioner, EazyDraft has been a game changer for me. It translates documents in no time for us.

Priyanka Aggarwal

Advocate, New Delhi

Eazydraft has made my team's collaboration seamless and organized. We generate our affidavits by just uploading our complaints.

Aditya Mehta

Advocate, New Delhi

I was hesitant to try this tool at first, but now I can't imagine working without it. It's improved my productivity and accuracy tenfold.

Vidushi Sharma

Advocate, Jaipur